Camera phone snaps; allow me to summarise:
1 Natasha's breasts (clad).
2 Natasha with monocle.
3 Uncle on motorbike outside Edinburgh castle embarking on charity coastal tour.
4 Mr Griffiths' brief but fabulous moustache.
5 A boy in a bandana with a hot potato.
6 Another walking down the street with a bin bag of clothes balanced on head.
7 Rusty hook in public toilet.
8 Graffito of half a face.
9 Piece of driftwood with a face on a wall.
10 'The Popular Restaurant', Dundee.
11 Girl's face with blue banana bread in tin foil.
12 The view of the ceiling from my bathtub.
13 Sign: 'Hawkman Services Ltd.: Abseilers Working Overhead'.
14 Romanesco broccoli: fibonacci sequence.
15 Squashed frog on pavement - one leg extended.
16 Haul of reclaimed food.
17 One torn thumb, pus, blood, filth.

Things I have not photographed lately:
1 Night walking, when everything is black and white and orange, because everything is black and white and orange.
2 Teeth tasting like dirty keys, because this is a taste.
3 Slugfoot revulsion.
4 'Reading' Finnegans Wake, because I can only do it arched across an easy chair with a pencil clenched between my teeth.

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